Destaques |
SVP HOP Needling, Puncture and Venoclysis
SMT Suturing and Dissection Discs
Over 30 exercises for young surgeons
NEO-KNOT Simulator for Laparoscopic Suturing
The easiest way to practice and train endoscopic sutures and dissections
SMT Suture Models
For medical trainees on Laparoscopy, Robotics, N.O.T.E.S. and Single Port
SMT Suture Glove Simulator
ETXY-HYSTERO Simulator for Diagnostic and Surgical Hysteroscopy
Designed for training diagnosis and surgical hysteroscopy
ETH Artificial Uterus
Choose the pathology! Pro Delphus ARTIFICIAL UTERUS allow all kinds of hysteroscopical training
ETXY-PROCTO Simulator for Proctology Procedures
One of the newest inventions on the realistic simulation of transanal endoscopic surgeries
ETXY-URO Simulator for Urology Procedures
Practice prostatic ressection, urethroplasty, polip removal, baskets use and much more
HPT Simulator for Hypospadia Surgery
ETX A2 LAP Simulator for Laparoscopy Surgery
Allows laparoscopical training through the abdmoninal wall made of E.V.A.
SIML Abdomen Simulator for Laparoscopy with Pressurization System
HRT Simulator for Herniorrhaphy Surgery
ETP-TBD Simulator for Bidigital Vaginal Examination
ETP-APP Post Partum Bleeding Simulator
EPP Prepartum Pelvic Station Simulator of Cervix Dilation
MMT MAMA Simulator for Diagnostics and Breast Surgery
For trainning mastectomy, prosthesis and expanders silicon implants insertion
RMT Simulator for Rhinoplasty
MAX TRAUMA Simulator for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
MAX-ATM Simulator for Temporomandibular Joint Endoscopy
Try and experience the realistic sensation of an intracapsular intervention. Exclusive model!
MAX-SIALO Simulator for Sialendoscopy
SHT Shoulder Surgery Simulator
SGV Pediatric Orthopedic Trauma Simulator – Newborn’s Genu Valgum
KNT Knee Surgery Simulator
KNT-B Portable Knee Surgery Simulator
SPT Simulator for Open and Endoscopic Spine Surgery
VIPS Simulator for Diagnostic Vascular Ultrasound and Procedures
WNT Wound Care Simulator
JLE Simulator for Botulinum Toxin Application and Exposure of the Face Anatomy